Monday 13 August 2012

an inconvenient truth

this vedio start with a beautiful river view implies that environment problem is the main topic. this presentation indicade the climate change and how is it influnce human life and environment .This video intended to awaken human awareness of environmental protection and encourage the human protect the environment from every aspect in their life.

in the beginning of the vedio, The speaker shows different periods of the Earth's satellite images, people could see the colour of mainland changes with the contrast from differen periods photo. This moment left me a deep impression , because the earth is the home for human survival, but we are destroying our home by ourself.

in the vedio the speaker said that"what get us into trouble is not what we don't know is what we know for sure that just ain't go"and he leads to the theme of global warming through a cartoon. global warming is the main problems leading many disasters, but the reason for global warming happends is because of us. global warming is because of the increasing amount of co2 produced from human industry. co2 is a green house gas that could keep the heat inside the atmosphere.The scientists found that the temperature rise have a direct relationship with rising carbon dioxide levels.

 climate change influnce the landscape of mainland. because the increasing temperature there have fact like millting glaciers and some area have drought. then the speakers showes some fact that is pictures has been taken for same place but in different periods. for instance, he shows the pictures about killmanjaro in Africa, there use to be covered by snow before few decade but in the recent picture there only have a little snow at the top of the mountain. the scientists saide that in the next decade there won' have any snow.  there also have other place have same situation like Glacier national park, in the Himalayan region there have 14 percent of the world's population but because of the melting of glaciers will lead to shortage of drinking water. aoccroding to the record there have lots of high tempereature record in America.

climate change also influnce the temperature of ocean.with the ocean temperature increasing there have more steam in atmosphere then it developing into typhoon that influnce humans life frequntly. in 2005 typhoon attacted america, indian, china japan and many other countrys. in some area with the temperature increasing some lack was disapeared.

As temperatures rise and glaciers melting, will cause a great impact on the cycle of the monsoon currents and even lead to the most in parts of species extinction. the ice could reflecting heat during the melting process, if the glaciers melt, the sea will absorb the sun heat caused a serious impact on the natural environment.With the temperature rise in the number of insect activity area increases, this will lead to a number of diseases spread, animal and plant extinction.

all these fact shows us we need to change our habit and technology to protect the environment. as a designer we should integrate the concept of environmental protection to our design and reduce waste and pollution.

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